07 January 2007

What Country Are You In Now?

So I never did any of my homework over the vacation.

Oh, bloody well. I needed to detox - this vacation was sorely needed to "take the edge off" as Mary says.

Study for million hours? Yeah, I needed that two week break. Plus in the first week, I was stil getting over my cold and had really bad jet lag - on Wednesday last, I slept for 20 hours straight. I really didn't do that much if you think about it, since the first week was rest and detox from my first three months in Japan. When I go back, it's only a month and a half of class left then six weeks vacation. Awesome. I am making a list of places to go and things to do already. I refuse to stay put, except for maybe the last week or two where I will study to prepare for my placement tests in Japanese at Rits (nickname for Ritsumeikan, which is what I will use from now on.)

So how was my vacation? I'll make a list for ya:

1) According to a Fordham insider I am still famous at Fordham. Yikes. I was mentioned in the Fordham Magazine like three times for the same thing. Sort of excessive in my opinion. Oh well, all universities toot their horns any chance they get - and Fordham slipped two spots this year in the US News & World Report rankings.

2) Saw friends. They loved all their little goodies from Japan. And I missed going out in NYC. I love the downtown/Wall Street bar scene, because the pubs date back from the 1800s and pub food is so good.

3) Went to Whole Foods. Twice. Woot!

4) Jaywalked. Four times. Double woot!

5) J.Crew "After Christmas" sale. 'Nuff said.

6) GREEK FOOD. Oh, greek food.

7) STEAK. Mashed potatoes. REAL FOOD.

8) My friend Kathy thought the line, "I was born in Astoria, but I live in Japan now" is really cool. In a way it is. ;-) It's kind of funny, how I have two cell phones, for two totally different countries. In London, I used the same cell as I did in the States since the network is the same, I just had a different SIM card. The bar has been raised in terms of the fact that I am a resident of two countries.

9) Downloaded alot of 80's music. I am on an 80's music kick.

10) I got the Nintendo DS Lite in PINK! Triple woot. Now I will be occupied when I am bored, and will get the dictionary game so I can use it in class.

11) It was SEVENTY DEGREES FAHRENHEIT (about 23 C for the non-US crowd) today in the city. It is JANUARY. I wore a cardigan and no jacket. The world is coming to an end. I never needed my warm weather clothes and again, I overpacked.

12) Saw Phantom of the Opera on Broadway with Leah and my parents. It was awesome - the music is amazing, and Leah got us good seats.

So again, I am packed and I go home with more stuff, like some of my Spring clothes (which isn't much, because I don't like warm weather clothes that much). My next return to the States will be July, but in March I go to Korea and in May I go to the Philippines (90% possible).

Lots of countries. Not enough passport pages.