20 May 2007

Taking a Break

So I asked my sensei last week about studying some Classical Japanese on my own, when I met up with him for a little catch up on what I should be doing and other academic-y stuff. I end up with spending A WHOLE DAY yesterday on something that is less than a paragraph (ok, and one whole other selection besides) from 1883 - please gravitate to the library for further musings on dealing with Iwakura Tomomi and his letter to the emperor about Kyoto.

Today (Sunday) I puttered about and did laundry, cleaned my apartment, grocery shopped, fixed my bike (got a new basket for 1050yen and free tire pumping) and met a new person today, a Japanese girl named Emi. We actually met on Facebook - she messaged me, I responded and we were chatting for a bit. We had lunch at a cafe by the Kamogawa - the same one that I went to at Easter, called Rue Ergo. It is a great cafe, and all the more amazing that I live right by it. She is really nice and it seemed like we have alot in common (we both like to go to cafes, like Inobun and watch Grey's Anatomy) so it was all cool. I even had LOX with CREAM CHEESE. With the coffee and the fact that it was a Sunday, it was a very "New York" vibe, and I told Emi so - she have been to NYC and even has a friend in Astoria. I might be going to her school's rugby game next Sunday, and I hope we do hang out again. Next time, I think I will try to speak in Japanese more.

I did my grocery shopping after lunch - I desperately needed rice for my bento box lunches; at the same time, I treated myself to some muesli. I normally get the 100yen a box cereal, but that is all the way downtown, and I know muesli is pretty good for me so I might as well spend a bit more for the good stuff. Though next time, I am going to check out the $6 for 500g muesli. I mix it with plain Danone (Dannon) yogurt that I get a 4pack for 100yen and it is a quite tasty breakfast. And the expensive muesli, offset by the cheap (but still delicious and not poor quality) yogurt make a good breakfast, and the muesli lasts longer that way.

When I got home, I continued my puttering; my next door neighbor all of a sudden has his friends over (including squealing Japanese girls) so I decided to not continue with Iwakura's 1883 letter. Besides, I needed a day off before I begin the week because to tell you the truth i felt very mentally tired.