29 June 2007


Japanese Lesson # 17:

1) Toriaezu - for now, in the meantime

I am still working on the Tokyo blogs - I write too much so stuff that happened in on day is splitting into two or three posts. So when I am done, I will let you know, but you have to backtrack, since I am going to put them under their respective dates.


Karma can really bite you in the ass. I go to the Apple Store in Ginza to get the VGA adapter to do powerpoints so that I don't have to schlep to Apple Osaka and look what happens. A piece of my keyboard where the palms rest broke off for some reason and now I have to schlep to Osaka. Good thing my worldwide Apple Care hasn't expired yet.Which means that I can hopefully get this minor thing fixed for free and I just looked up the word for "replace" (torikaeru" - 取り替える) so I am ready to tackle this next big adventure - repairing your computer, in a foreign country. Now that is blogworthy, especially if something wacky happens, which I hope won't be the case. Wacky = frustrating here.

I am so glad that I have a Mac because of the Apple stores - my friend spilled coffee on her PC and trying to get someone to repair it in Japan was so much hell that she decided to fix it when she was back home in Spain.

Unless I blog from the computers at school (which will be unlikely because I really have to prepare for my presentation in two weeks) I will be on blogging silence. Pray that not only will I get my laptop through its cosmetic surgery but quickly and will little loss of data, which is why I am trying frantically to back up as much as possible. Docs and photos are more important than my movies and music at this point (though I do have all my music on my older iPod). My poor Ringo...has to go in for surgery...in a place far, far from home...(^_~).

The plastic piece that was sorta popping up just broke off so I am somewhat pissed.

It was kinda funny when I spoke to my mother:

Me: Ma, my laptop is broken.
Mom: What? But you are still on Skype.
Me: It has to go for cosmetic surgery in Osaka. Karma can really bite you in the ass.
Mom: Ohh...


I have been tagged for a Meme: Why I Blog. My first tag!!!

5 reasons:

1) I am living in a foreign country so blogging is a good way to keep in touch with people hack home (and in other countries that I know people in, i.e. England) - I don't have to repeat myself a million times and I prevent carpel tunnel, as I just tell everyone to refer to the blog.

2) I think I have become a bit of a better writer since blogging entails writing and processing and thinking and trying to get it all down as concise as possible, especially since I write too much. Doesn't mean my typing skills are much better.

3) Meeting fellow bloggers is fun. My blogger buddies are mega cool.

4) It's a good memory to have of my time in Japan - for all the souveneirs and the umbrellas and the bento boxes, I think I am going to cherish my blog the most; in fact I am going to print it and bind it when I get back home.

5) It's really addicting. I first started blogging just before I left for London, but I stopped because I was having a miserable time. However, blogging provides you the opportunity to reflect a bit on your life and how you want to present yourself so that is also a good exercise - I do regret not blogging my time in London, however there wasn't much to blog at the time. But I have learned some lessons and as such making the most of my time (and my life overall) while here, and do plan to continue to blog (though this particular link will be shut down in March 2008) when I return home.

Ok, since I do not have too much time since I am trying to back up my data before I schlep to Osaka to put the links in here are my tags:

1) Libby - A Study of Schoolbooks and Shoes
2) Midge - Lipstick and Legalese
3) Britt - Tickled Pink
4) Tulip Mom
5) Chen - Rambling Chicken
5) Colleen - Scribbles