A couple of months ago, this fancy designer created these bags that said "I am Not a Plastic Bag" for Whole Foods (they were sold at Sainsbury's in the UK - don't ask how I know that). I saw them featured online in the blogs and sorta wished that I could get my hands on one of them - but I was still in Japan in July and not that crazy.
Instead, I got this from the UFO Catcher in the arcade, which I had learned about thanks to a girl I know who got the same one (but mine is in a different color, and I know copying is bad but I told her I really liked it a lot, so I warned her to begin with). What is cool about it is that it's in Japanese, so this makes it way better than the Whole Foods one. Plus, as I pointed out to my friend, we actually understand what it says.
The kanji read: "Watashi wa biniiru-bukuro ja nai!!!"
"I am NOT a plastic bag!!!"
Damn straight.
15 October 2007
Damn Straight!
at 11:18 AM
Filing Cabinet: japanese, quirky japan, shopping