05 November 2007

Fill In the Blank

I always forget that I have quizzes in my Monday 8:45am Reading/Grammar class. Who the heck wants a quiz at 8:45am on a MONDAY morning?

I panicked a bit when I got to school, but calmed down. Our teacher (who is also my composition teacher and really amazing) doesn't collect them. It's for our own kimochi. Well, my kimochi tends to go Type-A/Anal-Retentive/Mildly OCD when it come's to school. I am like Cristina on Grey's Anatomy, sans the bitchiness in that department.

But today, taking that quiz blind and going over it, I noticed something. ALL of my fill-in-the-blanks, which I am never good to begin with, were right. I only had one mistake on a kanji reading and one mistake on a hiragana fill-in, otherwise.


I think my Japanese is actually a lot better than I thought. I was really happy after that quiz.