I just submitted my first grad school application, School C. I just also realized that I sent my supplementary materials to the History Department as opposed to the Grad School Admissions Office - some schools want the actual department, some schools want the admissions office. I bet I wouldn't be the first one, and it's there already so I know they probably noticed what was up. So I will call them tonight (when it is Friday morning).
Thing is, the deadlines are weird: I didn't know if I qualify under the Non North-American deadline (December 1, which is a Saturday so December 3) because I am in Japan, or the North American deadline, since I am a US Citizen, I am just living abroad. Just to cover my arse, I submitted it today, 10pm EST, November 29. A good 4 days before the deadline for NNA.
I just got the congratulatory email, that I successfully completed the application. Congratulatory, my bum. I get email notification on whether or not I got in my March 15.
MARCH 15. Three and a half MONTHS. Oh, jeez I am going to have a heart attack by then - if I am in the Philippines in the end of February, you can bet I am going to nag The Aussie everyday to take me to an internet cafe. That, or let my sister check my email for me.
Next: School B and School F. Then tomorrow, Schools D, and E.
I added another school at the last minute, which is in the same city as School A as another safety. Prof. L. submitted his rec letter for it and I Prof. O's letter in hand so I figured why not, might as well since I have all the materials for it. So in terms of hierarchy, it is above School G (and is in the same city as School A, you can tell I REALLY want to stay in the tri-state area) but because it's a last minute addition (deadline is Dec 12 so I am all good actually) it is School H.
Final count: 8 grad schools. I really, never EVER want to know how much I paid for all this: transcript requests, mailings, fees (I applied for a waiver for School C let's see what happens), etc. etc.
Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out.
30 November 2007
at 12:01 PM
Filing Cabinet: craziness, grad school apps