08 October 2006

Udon, Udon

On her last day in Japan, Deena and I went to Osaka.

We namely wanted to see Osaka Castle. I wanted to go to the observation deck of the Umeda Sky building, but Deena is afraid of heights so we didn't go.

Had green tea (or matcha) ice cream! And it was soft serve...yum yum. I need to get matcha powder, so I can mix it with my dad's vanilla ice cream from the Mister Softee truck.

But to Osaka. Given that we didn't spend alot of time there, we didn;t had a good map and we were still tired, we didn't get to do much. However, at Osaka castle, we ran into a high school kendo match:

I think one of the high schoolers tried to talk to me. Deena does blend in a bit, but I stick out like a sore thumb.

Osaka Castle is a reproduction of the fortress that Hideyoshi Toyotomi built. So it's really a museum.

Afterwards, we walked around for a bit. Tried to get to Den-Den Town (eletronics district) but decided to go back to Kyoto - Deena wanted some souveniers, and I wanted to go back to Muji to get some more plastic boxes.

Had udon twice today. Lunch was tempura udon at Osaka castle and dinner was at this little cheap fast-food ish place where you put your money in a vending machine, get a ticket then sit anywhere. Had beef udon for only 390 yen! So cheap. and it was good. My tummy is happy.