04 February 2007

Too Many Titles, Too Much Harry Potter

Ok, so Daniel Radcliffe of Harry Potter is doing the "full monty" in the West End. And "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows" (cue the eery Halloween "OoOoO" music) is coming out July 21. Just like I did last time, I am going to stand on line at midnight and attend a Harry Potter party provided I am back home. I went to one for the 6th book and got the illustrator of the covers to autograph my sister's nice versions of 4,5 and 6. She has two sets: one that is literally in pieces (at least 4 and 5) to read and another set off first editions, hardcover (three of which are now autographed) for no one else to touch and is in separate plastic bags.

However, I am more concerned with what the heck the name of the 5th book in the series was - I totally forgot. Since Deena was on Skype, I began the following conversation after about 10 minutes of silence, since we (at least me, dunno about her) prefer to have Skype on since it's one less person that we have to type im's to. They can get messy, especially when you are talking to 6 people at the same time. Here is a reiteration of our Skype conversation (since it wasn't iChat it's not verbatim but you get the gist):

M: Oh, drat what's the name of the 5th book?
D: Umm..."Order of the Phoenix"
M: No, that's not it - that's the 6th book! Do you realize how pathetic we are, knowing that we are both talking about Harry Potter without having to say "Harry Potter?"
D: It is the "Order of the Phoenix."
M: Wait so what was the 4th book then?
D: The Goblet of Fire.
M: Oh drat...I'm confused, which movie is coming out next summer then - I thought it was the 6th book?
D: No...it's Order of the Phoenix that is coming out. Half-Blood Prince is number 6.
M: (head in hands) Ugh, I feel so stupid...