I did a headstand in yoga today! I still need to go up against the wall and my teacher has to help me bring my legs up because my abdominal muscles are mega weak (which makes me think that I should start the sit-ups routine that I downloaded from theKnot.com) but I did the headstand!
Once my legs were up and I was standing on my heads and forearms it was quite nice actually. The bobby-pins that I use to pin my bangs back were sort of cutting into my head from the pressure, but I really enjoyed the head stand. There were two women (foreigners too) that were doing the head stands in the middle of the room, no wall or help at all. After class I asked one how long it took for her to do it, and she told me that she was doing headstands for about a year, and that it gets easier once your abdominal muscles get stronger. I was on my head for no more than 5 minutes.Speaking of abs, I am getting better at the throwing-my-legs-over-my-head-while-on my back position; not only is my back straight but I can put my legs totally behind my head and I have my back almost totally straight with my legs straight up in the air. It's Hatha Yoga that I am doing I think; not specified on the gym schedule. The legs over my head is properly called the shoulder stand: "It is performed by first lying on the back with hands under the mid-back, then lifting the legs and lower body so that the weight of the body is supported on the head, neck, upper back and upper arms."