01 April 2007

Public Service Announcement

Given that this spring marks the start of the big to-do with grad school and research, I decided to dedicate a separate blog about it, so that way I have a place to expound upon and practice "word vomit" so that way I have a place to write other than Microsoft Word, which can get boring. I got the idea of some of the grad-school/Ph.D bloggers, who also have separate blogs with to-do lists and such.

So, I am here to announce my other blog, "in the middle of the academy" - which will also probably be the place where I will continue my blog life after Japan, since grad school will be a big part of my life after March 2008. Not yet sure, but for now I will have this one for the "Life in Japan" and the other one will be the "research/applying to grad school" place.

If anyone is interested, by all means check it out. But it would probably be boring.