So on my first day of summer vacation I did the following:
1) Woke up at 11am.
2) Spoke with mom, then Leah on Skype, took shower and dissected Harry Potter with Leah; spoke about Venice Carnivale and possible trip to Antiparos in Greece for her fall break (LUCKY!).
3) Realized at 12:30 that I had not eaten anything yet and had no milk or sugar for my coffee so I went to QQ Shop for a quick grocery trip.
4) Made salad for lunch; finished downloading all the songs from Grey's Anatomy Season 3.
5) Began to hack at excess photos on my hard drive; re-organized and fixed iPhoto so that I do not hate it so much (I still find it sorta confusing, but now I think I have it figured out, so that I just don't have a whole lotta photos and lack of organization).
6) Between the hours of 5:42 and 6:55, try to read Outlander in Japanese, and do a whole lotta nothing.
7) Dinner with Ingram for okonomiyaki at 7:00pm.
Alot of puttering about, especially on my computer. I had been meaning to fix my iPhoto and get rid of alot of photos that are just excessive (say three photos of the same thing) or out of focus. Out of about 2000 photos, I ended up deleting/hacking at 200.
In other news, for the past two days it's been sunny and HOT. According to the weather authorites, rainy season is over. And just in time too - I can have a week and a half to go out and enjoy the sun. It's 5:30pm and because the sky is so clear I don't have to turn on the light in my apartment.
In rainy season, I had to around this time because my windows face east so I would begin to lose what little light there was at around 4-ish. Downside is, I get the sun BLARING into my apartment like I said before at 7am, so it takes a bit more effort to sleep in. But I might not do that tomorrow, I want to check out Shimogamo Jinja which is near me and a World Heritage site. I've some sightseeing to catch up on, and I want to do some of it this week because next week, I'm going to give myself a head start of JLPT studying.
Putt, putt.